Piacenti SpA – Nativity Church Restoration in Bethlehem

The Restoration of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is one of the oldest Christian churches, built around 330 AD on the initiative of Emperor Constantine I and his mother Helena on the remains of a pagan temple erected during the period of Hadrian at the site where the first Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus. It was expanded and restored in the 6th century during the reign of Emperor Justinian I. The complex has undergone numerous expansions and modifications both in the Crusader era and in subsequent centuries, now presenting itself as a complex system of volumes and structures that separate the Franciscan convent, the Orthodox monastery, and the Armenian monastery, the three complexes situated around the walls of the basilica. Given the need to restore the roofs, the truss roof, the wall surfaces, the mosaics, and the entrance with its 13th-century wooden door, in 2010, following an international call for bids, the preliminary study of the monument was entrusted to a multidisciplinary group coordinated by the Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche (University of Ferrara), with the goal of drafting the restoration project. In 2013, the Palestinian government promoted the restoration work on the complex, and the execution of the work was entrusted to Piacenti S.p.A., under university supervision.

To meet the needs of the site, Piacenti S.p.A. directed and executed the consolidation interventions of the Nativity of Bethlehem, bringing together teams of highly specialized technicians and operators for each sector of the restoration; addressing the portions by studying and using materials that are compatible and respectful of the monument to protect and enhance the complex.


Restoring the Sky tells the story of a monumental restoration, that of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. It is the tale of a group of Italian restorers from Piacenti S.p.A. who have been working since 2013 on the recovery and preservation of the Basilica of the Nativity, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A modern Opera del Duomo, they first restored the complex roof of the church, then the entire decorative apparatus, returning to its ancient splendor a unique cycle of mosaics. Restoring the Sky follows this monumental work step by step, revealing the newfound beauty of the Basilica of the Nativity.

The Basilica of the Nativity is a symbol of resilience through the centuries, enduring wars, earthquakes, and sieges.

However, neglect and the passage of time were threatening its existence as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The conditions were catastrophic, with water damage and relentless use by millions of pilgrims over time.

The State of Palestine, in collaboration with the Orthodox, Catholic, and Armenian Churches, decided to restore the basilica. The restoration, which began in 2013 by a consortium of Italian universities led by the University of Ferrara and carried out by Piacenti S.p.A., involved over 400 experts in various disciplines.

The first crucial step was securing the roof, which had deteriorated significantly. The restorers worked tirelessly to replace the entire covering. Subsequently, the extraordinary truss structure, a technical marvel designed by Justinian’s architects, was restored. Damaged beams were replaced, and the sturdy ones were restored. The roof now appears majestic and captivating.

The restorers then tackled the mosaics of the naves and transepts, which had been damaged by rain, candles, gunshots, and earthquakes. Each tessera was cataloged and consolidated to prevent detachment. The mosaics were cleaned and restored using an engraved and pigmented mortar technique, bringing them back to life and splendor. The restoration of the marble columns revealed Madonnas, saints, and rulers from the Crusader period, with incredible results after cleaning and pigmentation. The team also addressed the floor mosaics, uncovering ornaments, geometric shapes, fruits, and animals, a testament to the original basilica of Constantine and Queen Helena. An extraordinary journey through time and conservation.

A journey through the historical and artistic beauties within the basilica

The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, located in the city of Bethlehem in Palestine, is a site of great historical and religious significance, built on the traditional site of the birth of Jesus Christ. The basilica, adorned with gold, mosaics, and precious marbles, shines as a sacred and artistic monument. During recent restorations, a seventh angel hidden under the plaster was discovered. This angel, whose face had been damaged by a bullet, was carefully restored. The names of the mosaic artists, Efren and Basilius, are rare examples of attribution in medieval art.