Piacenti S.p.A. – About the Company

Piacenti SpA specializes in planning, then executing the work in the fields of restoration and conservation of listed buildings, monuments and works of art of historical interest.

Piacenti SpA started as a carpenters and cabinet making workshop in 1875. Through the interviening century and a half it has evolved into an articulated structure combining the technical legacy of traditional craftsmanship with modern day scientific research while still maintaining the utmost respect for the principles both of modern theories and of ancient craftsmanship. This assures quality of work and incorporation of the latest safety standards.

Piacenti SpA work both public and private contracts for restoration and management on sites differing in size and complexity. In addition to traditional concern for the recovery of decorated sections and the aesthetic definition of the whole, Piacenti SpA have developed a specific expertise in the areas of structural rehabilitation, consolidation and of seismic improvements, points of great importance for the protection of artistic heritage today.

Special attention is devoted to preliminary study through survey of the architectural development, mapping of deterioration and decay, and diagnostic analyzes, which necessitates frequent collaboration with various departments of the University of Florence, in particular the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering. The entire processing cycle of a site, from the cleaning operations to selective and gradual type consolidation of broken parts, to the final restoration of the homogeneious aspect is decided at the outset by sellecting the work programme according to the specific case in hand following prior research into the particular forms of decay and deterioration prevelent in the whole.

In order to keep a check on each stage of development in logistics and production, both in terms of technical merit and managerial efficiency, each intervention is planned in a systematic way by evaluating the specific needs related to the site, the present state of conservation of the work, and any influence that that could have on, or cause to, contiguous matter. This multidisciplinary management requires an ongoing dialogue between highly specialized teams experienced in a responsible and correlated system that involves both the personnel directly performing operations and the technical department that sets the methodology and follows the evolution of the work. A team of restorers, related to specific policy areas, architects, engineers, chemical experts, plus technical and administrative staff, is involved in various roles in the decision-making phase, and organizational practices. The prevailing contractual stability in the face of the continuous updating of staff, also avoids wasting the resources invested in in the professional growth of the work force with rewarding returns in terms of quality. By virtue of these skills Piacenti SpA has, over time, developed its own special abilities towards excellence in the recovery and conservation of complex architectural works of great value, almost instinctivly spotting the presence of problems whether they be aesthetic, functional or of a structural type.

Piacenti SpA are adequately prepared to operate on stucco, murals, paintings on canvas or wood, polychrome wooden artefacts, stone surfaces, and archaeological finds.

In addition to interventions on works in traditional techniques and materials Piacenti SpA has a wealth of experience in the recovery of artifacts created with media other than the more familiar stone, wood or metal. Techniques for the restoration of leather, archeological finds that need humidity chambers to assist restoration, paintings on copper, slate, silk (banners), or works on paper, (even when painted with herbal products less frequently used,) all these things they have done and are willing to do again.

The many experiences on works differing both in technical characteristics and issues for intervention, have brought about an elasticity and deepening of experience in the restorers and specialized technicians (who are an integral part of Piacenti SpA) that enables them to make highly competent comparisons between relevant methodological application to specific contexts in different fields.

The continuous professional development of staff at Piacenti SpA is made possible thanks to the constant progressive testing of innovative technical procedures, the multiple applications of different materials, and to fruitful collaboration with research institutions such as the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, the Superior Institute for Conservation and Restoration in Rome (ICR) and the National Research Council of Florence (CNR) together with numerous exchanges and collaboration with international organizations.

Piacenti SpA operates on a national and international level opening it’s specialized laboratories and diagnostic suite facilities to all, offering educational possibilities and hospitality to international scientific projects of significance for monumental buildings and UNESCO sites recognized as world heritage. They are also at work outside Italy, in China, Turkey, Cuba and Russia, (where they operate under the name of Piacenti 000 and Atrium 000, in Moldova as Piacenti Restoring Ltd and in the Holy Land as Piacenti Ltd with subsidiaries at 100%.

Among major works carried out are the following:

  • Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem, Palestine), Restoration of the roof and the wooden truss system; restoration of the mosaic decorations and plasterwork, painted columns and wooden lintels;
  • Great Uffizi (Florence, Tuscany), Restoration and functionality of the museum complex;
  • Palazzo Arengario, Museo del novecento (Milan, Lombardy), Restoration of the facades and restoration of the entire interior decoration;
  • Gonzaga Palace, Guastalla (Reggio nel Emilia), Restoration and renovation;
  • Santa Maria della Scala (Siena, Tuscany), Restoration of the medieval hospital, now a museum;
  • Leopoldine Spa, Montecatini Terme (Pistoia, Tuscany), Restoration and renovation of spa buildings in Arte Nouveau style;
  • Basilica of S.Gaudenzio (Novara, Piemonte), Restoration of the facade and interventions to monitor and safeguard the dome;
  • Birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci ( Vinci near Florence, Tuscany), Restoration and renovation of buildings and environment;
  • Cerbaia Fortress, Cantagallo (Potenza, Basilicata), Renovation and restoration of the fortress and city wall;
  • S. Giacorno Maggiore, Grigno (Trento), Restoration of painted surfaces and stone work;
  • Palazzo Guadagni Strozzi Sacrati, (Florence, Tuscany) Home of the President of the Region of Tuscany, restoration of frescoes;
  • Villa Berg, Italian Embassy in Moscow, (Russia) Restoration of reception rooms;
  • Catherine’s Palace, Tsarkoje Selo, St. Petersburg, (Russia), Testing methodology for the restoration of the front elevations in gilded stucco;
  • Kammenostrovsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, (Russia), Reconstruction of the interior in period style;
  • Church of the Transfiguration on Kizhi Island, (Karelia – Russia), Project for the restoration of iconostasis in gilded wood and polychrome;
  • Laurentian Library, San Lorenzo (Florence, Tuscany), The restoration of reading desks in wood designed by Michelangelo;
  • The Certosa (Siena, Tuscany), Restoration of the fresco cycle.
  • Royal Palace of Caserta, (Naples, Campania), Restoration on the Façade.
  • Royal Palace of Caserta, (Naples, Campania), The main courtyard.
  • Piazza S. Niccolò, (Prato, Tuscany), Façades overlooking the square.
  • S. Cerbone Massa Marittima, (Grosetto, Tuscany);
  • Villa Argentina, (Viareggio,Versilia), restoration of head offices of APT.
  • Palazzo della Ragione, (Mantova, Lombardy)
  • Tower of the hours, (Mantova, Lombardy)
  • The Clock Tower, (Mantova, Lombardy)
  • Wooden Temple, Capannori, (Lucca, Tuscany)
  • Rocca Conti Guidi in Vinci, (Florence, Tuscany)
  • Hotel Cerretani, (Florence, Tuscany)
  • The Roncioniana Library, (Prato, Tuscany )
  • Canvas, Jerome Cenatiempo, (Naples, Campania)
  • Villa Margherita, ( Florence, Tuscany)
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Jerusalem