UNESCO – The site of the Birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem (Palestine) removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger

The World Heritage Committee, meeting in Baku since 30 June, today decided to remove the Birthplace of Jesus: the Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem (Palestine) from the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee said its decision was due to the high quality of work carried out on the Nativity …

The Telegraph – Bethlehem church mosaics sparkle in time for Christmas

Masked for centuries by the soot of candles and lately by scaffolding, the mosaics of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity have been restored to their Crusader-era splendour in time for Christmas. Over the past 15 months, experts have cleaned and repaired surviving fragments of the 12th century masterworks, preserving 1,345 square feet (125 square metres) …

Nardini Editore – The Mosaics of the Nativity Church, Bethlehem. Analytical Investigation of the Glass Tesserae

The Nativity Church in Bethlehem is located over the cave that has been recognized from mid-second century as the place where Christ was born. The history of the building is known only partially. A first Basilica was erected in the 4th century, under Emperor Constantine and remade during the empire of Justinian, 6th c. The …

Reformatorisch Dagblad – Bethlehems geboortekerk ondergaat grondige restauratie

De Geboortekerk in Bethlehem krijgt een grondige opknapbeurt. De honderdduizenden toeristen en pelgrims die de kerk jaarlijks bezoeken, kunnen zien hoe deze er in de afgelopen eeuwen heeft uitgezien. De Geboortekerk markeert de plek waar –volgens de christelijke traditie– Christus werd geboren. In 2008 gaf het Palestijnse presidentieel comité opdracht om een wetenschappelijk en internationaal …

ANSAmed – Blue, pink for Nativity of Helen, Constantine

(by Massimo Lomonaco) BETHLEHEM – Restoration work at the Nativity Church in Bethlehem (West Bank) on the painted murals carried out at the request of Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen, that has been ongoing since 2013, has unveiled light blue and pink hues as well as shadows painted over 1,5000 years ago to decorate …

Realtà Mapei n° 145 – The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Restoration work on the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem – one of the most popular sites for pilgrims visiting the Holy Land – started in September 2013 and is still in progress. Along with Piacenti SpA from Prato (Central Italy), the company which directed and carried out the consolidation work, Mapei and its products …

El Universal – Milagro cultural en Belén

La ciudad palestina será la capital mundial de la Cultura Arabe en el años 2020. Roma.- Por primera vez en la historia, las diferentes iglesias cristianas presentes en Tierra Santa -católica, ortodoxa y armenia- lograron vencer sus diferencias y ponerse de acuerdo, con la aprobación y apoyo de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, para la restauración …

The New York Times – Italian Firm Restoring Nativity Church: Like Touching Heaven Copy

ROME — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the 14 million-euro project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, won …