natività di betlemme restauro piacenti spa – Il made in Italy a Betlemme: due aziende italiane per il restauro della Basilica della Natività

La prima fase dei lavori terminerà a marzo. Il restauro della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme, in Cisgiordania, è in corso. Il luogo è senz’altro di alto valore simbolico: si tratta di due chiese e di una cripta, la Grotta della Natività, dove, secondo la tradizione, è nato il Salvatore. Meta di pellegrinaggio, dal 2012 …


post bulletin – Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity undergoes facelift

BETHLEHEM, West Bank — As visitors descend upon Bethlehem this holiday season, they will notice a different look for the Church of the Nativity. Wrapped in scaffolding, the basilica located at the site traditionally regarded as Jesus’ birthplace is undergoing a much-needed facelift after 600 years. Experts say that water is leaking from the rooftop …


Libero Quotidiano – Parla italiano il restauro della Basilica della Nativita’ di Betlemme

Il restauro della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme parla italiano. Protagoniste dell’intervento di ripristino del monumento per eccellenza della cristianità situato in Terra Santa, sono infatti la Pilosio, big player europeo del settore ponteggi e casseforme con sede in provincia di Udine, e la Piacenti, storica ditta di Prato specializzata nel settore del restauro. “Il …


Radio Vaticana – Ţara Sfântă: Bazilica Naşterii de la Betleem va fi restaurată

Pelerinii care în acest an vor vizita Ţara Sfântă şi vor ajunge la Bazilica Nativităţii din Betleem, nu vor putea să se bucure în totalitate de frumuseţea ei datorită operaţiunilor de restaurare care au loc după mai bine de 200 de ani de la ultimele lucrări. Celebra şi antica Bazilică din Betleem, se află pe …

piacenti-restauri-spa-prato-nativita-di-betlemme-il-restauro-la-storia – Church of the Nativity undergoing needed repairs

BETHLEHEM, WEST BANK – As visitors descend upon Bethlehem this holiday season, they will notice a different look for the Church of the Nativity, located at the traditional site of Jesus’ birth. Wrapped in scaffolding, the basilica is undergoing a much-needed face-lift after 600 years. Experts say water is leaking through the roof and threatens … – Betlemme: azienda italiana restaura la Chiesa della Natività

E’ un’azienda italiana a condurre i lavori di restauro della famosa e antichissima Chiesa della Natività di Betlemme, risalente a 1700 anni fa e che secondo la tradizione cattolica è sorta nel luogo dove nacque Gesù. I lavori di restauro, cominciati lo scorso settembre, sono i primi da 200 anni a questa parte. Ne parla Marcello …


neweurope – Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity undergoes biggest repair in 600 years

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — As visitors descend upon Bethlehem this holiday season, they will notice a different look for the Church of the Nativity. Wrapped in scaffolding, the basilica located at the traditional site of Jesus’ birth is undergoing a much-needed facelift after 600 years. Experts say that water is leaking from the rooftop …

American Catholic – Working on Church of Nativity Like Touching Piece of History

By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY BETHLEHEM, West Bank (CNS) — Helping restore the roof of the Church of the Nativity is like touching a piece of the beginning of Christian history, said an Italian restorer who is heading work on the first phase of the long-awaited repairs. “I am not a practicing religious person, but working on …


Saratogian – Church of the Nativity undergoes facelift

By Daniela Berretta, Associated Press BETHLEHEM, West Bank — As visitors descend upon Bethlehem this holiday season, they will notice a different look for the Church of the Nativity. Wrapped in scaffolding, the basilica located at the traditional site of Jesus’ birth is undergoing a much-needed facelift after 600 years. Experts say that water is …


The Record – Restorer: Working on Church of Nativity like touching piece of history

By Judith Sudilovsky Helping restore the roof of the Church of the Nativity is like touching a piece of the beginning of Christian history, said an Italian restorer who is heading work on the first phase of the long-awaited repairs. “I am not a practicing religious person, but working on this church is very emotional,” …